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Note: Subcategories do not add up to the total, because an incident report may be for more than one infraction

MisconductCount (Link is for admins only)
Cheating 1045
Plagiarism 1574
Fabrication 41
Dishonesty 168
Other 591
Unknown 0
MisconductCount (Link is for admins only)
Working on an individual assignment with others 425
Receiving unpermitted help on an assignment 335
Getting questions or answers from someone who has already taken a test 38
Copying from another student during a test without his or her knowledge 157
Using unpermitted crib notes during a test 62
Altering a graded test and submitting it for additional credit 44
Using a false or forged excuse to obtain an extension on a due date 16
Sending a ringer to take an exam 3
Use of unpermitted aids (computer, calculator, etc) 126
Unpermitted use of Artificial Intelligence 9
Cheating on a test in any other way 200
Turning in work done by someone else 462
Copying another student's program rather than writing your own 223
Paraphrasing or copying a few sentences of material from a written source without referencing 269
Turning in a paper obtained in large part from a term paper mill 89
Paraphrasing or copying a few sentences of material from the Internet without footnoting them in a paper 352
Copying material, almost word for word, from any written source and turning it in as your own work 741
Turning in a paper copied, at least in part, from another student's paper, whether or not that student is currently taking the same course 354
Fabricating or falsifying lab or research data 21
Fabricating or falsifying a bibliography 20
Writing or providing a paper for another student 107
Helping someone else cheat on a test 75